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Victoria will be a featured speaker at the following in-person retreats:

Upcoming Retreats

Image by Toan Chu

July 7-11, 2025​

University Congregational UCC

Hood Canal, Washington

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October 16-18, 2025​

Holy Wisdom Monastery Madison, Wisconsin

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Oct 31 - Nov 2, '25​

Genesis Spiritual Center Westfield, Massachusetts

Hosted by the Center for Wild Spirituality; Guided by Victoria and a team of gifted Wild Guides

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Seminary of the Wild Earth​

​A yearlong experiential eco-spirituality certificate program led by Victoria Loorz and a team of gifted guides. Participants are invited to wander on the land, to enter into conversation with the wild others, and to engage in practices of rewilding the soul. This program is a container for deep dialogue with a cohort of like-hearted friends.


2025 welcomes the Barred Owl cohort.

Registration opens March 1.

Image by Tucker Monticelli

Wild Church Leadership Course

​​Wild churches are organic organisms, with a life and intelligence of their own. This online course guides you in listening to what is emerging.  It is a process of liberation for your own soul in relationship with the more-than-human-others in your particular Place, woven in with your particular community. This is a course for all those longing to start a wild church in their place.​


Seven week online program starting Feb 11, 2025


Sacred Conversations in Ireland

This experiential offering is one of saying yes to that deep irrational even mythic call of the sacred wild to return to soul in Ireland.  â€‹ To listen with an open heart to the whispers of an alive and ancient world where we already and always belong.


If you find yourself seeking a more wild spirituality, consider joining a cohort of like-hearted friends at Ards Friary on the coast of Ireland. 


August 17-23, 2025

Registration open now

Wild Spirituality Programs

Image by Mykyta Martynenko

Victoria is available for sermons, retreats, conferences and other speaking engagements. 

Please inquire through this form for possibilities.

Past Events

Sept 5 - Nov 7, 2024  |  Online

Word and Life

A ten-week book study and discussion series focusing on Church of the Wild by Victoria Loorz. With a group moving through each chapter of the book, ten speakers explore its inspiring findings and implications. 

Aug 16-24, 2024  |  Online Summit

Resurrecting the Goddess summit

More than 30 expert teachers, healers, artists, and ministers gather to share their wisdom on how the Divine Feminine has been present in, with, and for people who are rooted in the Christian tradition.

May 2-4, 2024  |  Online Program

Wild Church Leadership Retreat

This is a retreat is for anyone wanting to learn more about leading wild church services. In Wild Church, we attune ourselves to the Sacred through the earth and her creatures. The more-than-human world is part of the gathered congregation. We gather to listen deeply, explore creatively, and live gratefully; and to be transformed by intentional connection with the ancient and sacred rhythms of the creation of which we are a part. Together we will read and study the Book of Nature.

Feb-Mar 2024  |  Online Program

Wild Church Leadership Course 2024

Wild churches can be ecumenical, spiritual-but-not-religious, or connected with existing religious institutions.  There are no dogmas to recite, rules to follow, or step-by-step instructions. Rather, wild churches are organic organisms, with a life and intelligence of their own. This seven-week online course guides you in listening to what is emerging.  It is a process of liberation for your own soul in relationship with the more-than-human-others in your particular Place, woven in with your particular community. 

2023-2024  |  Online Program

Seminary of the Wild Earth - Coyote Cohort

This yearlong program is a container for kindred souls who sense that they are holding the seeds for a new story in our world, in our religions, in our cultures: A kin-dom of God, without the "g."  A reverent way of being in sacred kinship with an alive and interconnected world.

Sept 28, 2023  |  Bangor Theological Seminary

BTS Convocation 2023

Kinship: Re-Weaving the Great Web of Belonging

Aug 24-30, 2023  |  Donegal, Ireland

Center for Wild Spirituality: Wild Soul Pilgrimage in Donegal, Ireland

Sacred Conversations soul-to-soul with the Irish landscape. This experiential offering is one of saying yes to that deep irrational even mythic call of the sacred wild to return to soul in Ireland.  To listen with an open heart to the whispers of an alive and ancient world where we already and always belong. An exile's return, as the poem is called.

Aug 5, 2023  |  The Celtic Spirituality School

Spiritual Wanderlust

Victoria will be teaching a class on August 5, 2023 on Celtic Landscape: Swimming in God Anywhere through Spritual Wanderlust's Celtic Spirituality School.

July 31 - Aug 7, 2023  |  Iona, United Kingdom

Waymarkers: Iona Pilgrimage

Make a transformative journey to the wild edges of sea and sky, where the powerful presence of female companionship, revelatory elements, and ancient, spirited stories will awaken in you deep memories and divine inspiration.

June 3, 2023  |  The Thoreau Society

Thoreau Farm Conversation

The Write Connection at Thoreau Farm. Author talks and writing workshops that encourage critical thinking and perceptive writing about the world and ourselves.

May 22, 2023  |  Holy Wisdom Monastery 

Creation Justice Ministries Training

In the midst of a rapidly changing climate, faith communities are called to discern how they will respond. Pastors and other faith leaders in particular are able to draw upon the social, emotional, and spiritual responses to climate change that will be urgently needed in the coming years. ​Join us at this retreat to cultivate your capacities to lead congregations and communities in the midst of the climate crisis.

May 9-15, 2023  |  Online Summit

The Nature Summit

Discover Well-Being, wisdom and wonder in the natural world. Join Victoria Loorz and an extraordinary group of 30+ speakers for an important conversation about nature and our planet.

Feb 6, 2023  |  Loon Lake Retreat Center

Holy Ground: Seeding the Soil of Wild Church

Join us as Victoria Loorz, early Wild Church planter, co-founder of the Wild Church Network and of Seminary of the Wild, offers us wisdom and insights into re-connecting with holiness in the sanctuary of the natural world in this 3-day retreat.

Oct 30, 2022  |  Stillpoint

Nature as Co-Guide in Spiritual Companioning

In the breathtaking landscape of Ghost Ranch, NM, this intensive is a collaboration between the Seminary of the Wild and Stillpoint, to integrate the wisdom of wilderness into the process of spiritual companioning.  

Jul 18, 2022  |  Iona, United Kingdom

Wild Iona Journey: Wild Place, Wild Myth, Wild Faith

Make a transformative journey to the wild edges of sea and sky, where the powerful presence of revelatory elements, and ancient, spirited stories will awaken in you deep memories and divine inspiration to live forward renewed and reconnected to the primeval sacred story of creation.

Jul 4, 2022  |  Chautauqua Institution

Chautauqua Talk

Victoria Loorz, MDiv, feels most alive when collaborating with Mystery and kindred spirits to create opportunities for people to re-member themselves back into intimate, sacred relationship with the rest of the living world.

May 11, 2022  |  Spiritual Directors International

Eco-Spiritual Direction: Deep listening to Nature in the Spiritual Direction Relationship

Through this daylong workshop, participants will be encouraged to seek beneath the urgent practical lifestyle adjustments necessary for a new way of relating to the natural world, into an intimacy, a relationship of lover and beloved, a deep belonging to your land, your place as sacred. 

Apr 23, 2022  |  Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary

Church of the Wild: The Movement and the Experience

Church of the Wild is an opportunity for divine encounter, experiencing God rather than talking about God, through simple spiritual practices that invite people into the wild world (aka “nature”) to listen for the holy, to engage in intimate conversation with the sacred.

Apr 22, 2022  |  The Well Spirituality Center

Church of the Wild Retreat

This daylong retreat explores the practice of wild spirituality and the ways our religious tradition has always been deeply integrated with the land herself….even if we in our culture and religious traditions have forgotten. Our bodies still remember. 

Apr 21, 2022  |  The Well Spirituality Center

Church of the Wild Book Talk at the Well

Wild spirituality is a remembering our place in the whole alive Earth system, which is a place of intimacy with our Place. It is a restoration of kindred relationality, the sacred conversation with the whole beloved community beyond even our species.

Mar 1, 2022  |  The BTS Center

Courting the Particular

A Lenten season Community of Practice inspired by Church of the Wild. This series combines regular spiritual practices throughout Lent with four online gatherings, engaging one another and ideas from the book Church of the Wild by Victoria Loorz.

Feb 24, 2022  |  The Rowe Center

Wild Spirituality: a Five Part Online Course

In this course, you will learn how to become part of a restored conversation between yourself and the world. Victoria will introduce you to spiritual practices that will allow you to experience the natural world as teacher, companion, and kin and to enter into an actual relationship with specific places and living beings that can provide an embodied, rooted foundation for your transformation and that of the Earth. Change will not come from ivory towers, UN Resolutions, or politician’s promises. It begins with us being in right relationship to ourselves and the world.

Feb 6, 2022  |  Chaplaincy Institute of Maine

Belonging to Place: A Practice of Wild Spirituality

Victoria Loorz, author of Church of the Wild: How Nature Invites Us into the Sacred, will offer opportunities to develop or deepen your spiritual practices of intimacy with nature, including practices of deep listening, wandering, mirroring, full bodied emotion, poetry, dreamwork.

Jan 28, 2022  |  The Rowe Center

How Natures Invites Us Into the Sacred

In this online talk, Victoria Loorz, will introduce you to spiritual practices that will allow you to experience the natural world as teacher, companion, and kin and to enter into an actual relationship with specific places and living beings that can provide an embodied, rooted foundation for your transformation and that of the Earth.

Jan 25-27, 2022  |  Phillips Seminary

Remind & Renew: The Art of Ritual

Victoria will bring both a workshop on Wild Churches and the keynote presentation for the Seminary's Remind & Renew: The Art of Ritual, Cultivating Practices for Community conference, inviting attendees to explore and experience rituals that nourish our souls, give life to our missions, and express our deepest and most significant communal values. Remind & Renew will be both in-person and online with recorded and live presentations.

Jan 17, 2022  |  Online Conference

The Moon Passage: Reclaiming Menopause,

"Coming Home to Earth & Soul at Midlife"

Join us for our January workshop for a rich exploration of how our spiritual journey shifts at midlife with menopause, and why connection to the earth is a vital part of that. We'll be joined by a phenomenal guest speaker, have time to connect with others in their menopausal journeys, and be led in somatic resourcing practices.

Nov 19, 2021  |  The BTS Center

A Fireside Chat with Victoria Loorz

On Friday, November 19, Rev. Allen Ewing-Merrill, Executive Director of The BTS Center, shared a lunchtime Fireside Chat with Victoria Loorz. We shared a wide-ranging conversation about the Wild Church movement — spiritual communities popping up all over the land, like wild mushrooms after a spring rain, responding to a call from deep within to change the way we relate to the natural world — about eco-spirituality and theology, about her book, and about the spiritual leadership that is needed in a climate-changed world. 

Nov 02, 2021  |  Seminary of the Wild

Virtual and Experiential Book Club

A virtual book club with experiential invitations to practice the themes of the Church of the Wild book.  Victoria will guide a conversation, working through the book two chapters at a time, and offer weekly spiritual practices to deepen relationship with your own wildish places.

Oct 28, 2021  |  Spiritual Directors International

Eco-Spiritual Direction in a Time of Eco-Crisis:

Restoring the Great Conversation

The reality of ecological and collective cultural grief felt by nearly everyone (whether they can identify it or not) is a call for help, not only for the planet but for our own souls. Spiritual directors, perhaps more than any other vocational role in our current culture, possess a key to the necessary restoration of kindred relationality, the sacred conversation with the whole beloved community beyond even our species.


This 4-week experiential online webinar series, designed for spiritual directors and companions, offer practices and a lens to reframe our role — and help those in our realm of influence to embody their roles in the emerging new story.

October 9, 2021  |  Bellingham, WA

Restoring the Great Conversation

"In the beginning was the Conversation." This is how the first line of the gospel of John was translated for the first four centuries before the patriarchy of the newly approved church of the Roman Empire changed it to "Word." This daylong retreat explores the power of restoring Conversation as a metaphor of Christ and a modality of spirituality restoring the great conversation with All That Is (Meister Eckhart).

October 7, 2021  |  Seminary of the Wild

Book Launch!

With an ecospiritual lens on biblical narratives and a fresh look at a community larger than our own species, Victoria will invite participants to uncover the wild roots of their faith and encourge a deepened commitment to a suffering earth by falling in love with it--and calling it church.  Victoria will share stories from her book and encourage participants to create practices of reconnection with the natural world as sacred.  

August 6, 2021  |  The BTS Center

Wild Spirituality: Restoring the Great Conversation

Half day online retreat introducing the practice of wild spirituality in your home bio-region. What does it mean to "belong to place"? How can we integrate our religious tradition with restored relationship with Earth with our religious traditions and experience once again the sacred presence in all things?  Experiential practices through Zoom and in your own wildish places.

Image by Mykyta Martynenko

Victoria is available for sermons, retreats, conferences and other speaking engagements. 

Please inquire through this form for possibilities.

Wild Blessings!  

  • Facebook - Church of the Wild
  • Twitter - Victoria Loorz
  • Instagram - Victoria Loorz

©2025 Victoria Loorz

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