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Eco-Spiritual Direction
Nature as Co-Guide in the Art of Spiritual Companionship

Eco-Spiritual Direction integrates the wisdom of wilderness -- the waters that flow from the sky, the crow calling from a nearby tree, the sun that rises every morning --into the process of spiritual companioning.  
Many people are feeling deep eco-grief, climate-anxiety and general fear as a result of the cultural collapses on so many levels.  The need for compassionate, mature, and well trained eco-spiritual companions and wild guides is growing.

Victoria and her team from the Center for Wild Spirituality in collaboration with Stillpoint of California have developed an ecological, soul-based
 approach is holistic, centered in restoring a sense of the reality of belonging to a larger story.  Deep inner kindness, a radical sense of inner authority, and restoring inherent capacity to connect with the Sacred through All That Is. This orientation, developed over several years, is a practice of spiritual companionship that includes the wisdom of the natural world, welcoming all the feminine and wild ways of knowing into the session.  


Eco-Spiritual Direction Certification/Training

The Center for Wild Spirituality offers a unique opportunity to be trained and certified as an EcoSpiritual Director through the Vocational Certificates program. This yearlong experience is open to graduates of the first year of Seminary of the Wild Earth.

Request an Eco-Spiritual Director

While Victoria is not accepting new spiritual direction clients, you can join the waitlist by clicking below or request to be connected with one of the Eco-Spiritual Directors through the Center for Wild Spirituality.

Wild Blessings!  

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©2025 Victoria Loorz

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