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About Victoria

Victoria Loorz, MDiv, is a wild church pastor, an eco-spiritual director and co-founder of several transformation-focused organizations focused on the integration of nature and spirituality. She feels most alive when collaborating with Mystery and kindred spirits to create opportunities for people to re-member themselves back into intimate, sacred relationship with the rest of the living world.
After twenty years as a pastor of indoor churches, she launched the first Church of the Wild, in Ojai CA and began to meet others with the same sense of call to leave building and expand the Beloved Community beyond our own species. She then co-founded the ecumenical Wild Church Network.
Victoria is co-founder and director of Seminary of the Wild, which is focused on a deep-dive yearlong Eco-Ministry Certificate program for all those who feel called by Earth and Spirit to "restore the great conversation." (Thomas Berry)
Victoria's young adult children -- Alec and Olivia -- are wise, creative, tender souls, dedicated to creating a more inclusive, compassionate, and just world.
To book Victoria for media interviews, podcasts or speaking engagements:
Courtship of the Particular

In my book you will learn about my friends: the black tailed deer who have invited me into their lives. One particular mama deer leaves her fawns in my yard for me to watch over while she grazes elsewhere.
They have taught me about parenting and loss and love and fidelity. They regard me with respect and curiosity and trust. I try and offer them a reciprocal tenderness. Robin Wall Kimmerer in Braiding Sweetgrass suggests this relationality moves us from a wild encounter into a sacred bond.
I am still in awe. The conversation between us is, for me, the direct presence of the Sacred, the Christ, the Holy Conversation-between.

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